

Restoring an orchard originally planted in the 1800’s.


1873年由威廉·尼科尔斯购得, the 127 acre facility soon gained attention as one of Wyoming’s first commercial orchards. In 1892, 着陆器 residents purchased the farm with the hope of bringing the State Agricultural College to 着陆器.  The location had a longer frost-free season than town and “produces beautifully” according tothe local newspaper. The sale of fruit generated income for many of the farm ‘s activities and provided fresh fruit for valley residents.  The State Agricultural College never materialized and the 着陆器 citizens donated the farm to the University of Wyoming in 1917.  UW devoted the site to agricultural experiments under the direction of Superintendent John Steinbrech until its closing in 1943. 

At this time the facility was referred to as the State Experimental Fruit Farm (known locally as the “Field Station”). 对各种牲畜进行了测试, 谷物, 水果, 以及在该地区生长良好的蔬菜. 一度, 有将近2个,500棵果树在野外站, 生产当地成功的苹果品种, 这时, 李子, 樱桃, 杏子, 温柏树, 和桃子. Testing also included 谷物 and grasses that would produce well at high elevations. CWC purchased the property from UW in the early 1970’s.

The remains of the historic orchard occupies about 15 acres of land, while most of the remainder of the grounds are in the pasture. A barn and chicken coop built before 1900 remain unchanged and in their original locations. 

“It is not the intent of this work to recommend large commercial orchards but it is believed that is is possible for every farm and ranch family to grow a home garden of 水果 which will adequately supply the needs of the family.——lander Clipper, 1940. 

In 1910, the orchard boasted 1,775 apple trees and 180 cultivars. Many of these were named cultivars from around the globe. Ten of these cultivars were developed by Farm Superintendent, 约翰·斯坦布雷克为怀俄明的残酷, 高海拔气候. Several varieties of crab apples were planted and serve as important pollinators. Several of these crab apple trees are still producing fruit today.

Cultivars developed at the 着陆器 Fruit Farm were Brechsteinia, 玛格丽特, 弗里蒙特, Poposia, 集市, 纳尔逊, 罗伯茨, 圣丹斯电影节, 华盛顿州和怀俄明州. Brechsteinia and 玛格丽特 were ranked in the top 10 cultivars by the Cheyenne Horticultural Research Station. Through DNA research at the University of Wyoming, three of these varieties have been identified. Researchers are on the lookout for the other seven before they are lost forever.







20世纪初的SCC苹果园. At the present time, about 40 of these original trees remain, now surpassing 100 years of age. The two buildings on the left, a chicken coop and barn, still remain today. Superintendent John Steinbrech served at the farm from 1907 until his death in 1939. 

除了果园, the Farm produced a variety of 水果 and vegetables for residents of the 着陆器 Valley. The sale of fruit generated income for many the Farm’s activities and provided fresh fruit to the county. 

Strawberries grown in the historic apple orchard at Sinks Canyon Center


CWC was awarded a grant from the Wyoming Department of Agriculture’s Specialty Crops Program to restore and revitalize the historic apple orchard at  the Sinks Canyon Center (formerly the CWC Field Station).  Additional funding was provided from The Popo Agie Conservation District Resource Enhancement  Program  and CWC.  用于种植新树(苹果)的资金, 李子, 樱桃和梨), 建造防鹿围栏, pruning of older heritage apple trees and an automated drip 灌溉 system.

The importance of the restoration project can’t be understated. The existing heritage apple trees have proven ability to survive Wyoming’s challenging climate extremes. 24棵3-4年树龄的树, 有些是从这些遗产品种繁殖而来的, 都栽在果园里了吗. There is interest from apple producers in the region to propagate their own trees from the SCC orchard as well.

Volunteers were an essential component of this project. Volunteers contributed over 470 hours in fence building and tree planting.

The success of this project is due to the outstanding partnerships with the following organizations and individuals:

Dave Morneau, Popo Agie保护区
Dr. 史蒂夫·米勒,怀俄明大学
Dr. 杰克州,峡谷牧场果园
Brett Foss, BF企业

乐天堂app》的学生, staff and many community members help build the deer-proof fence around the new orchard area. 


A drip 灌溉 system and pump were installed in the new orchard. 每棵树都要单独浇水. The efficient system allows watering rates to be adjusted to meet the needs of each tree. 



The older, heritage apple trees were trimmed of dead limbs after years of neglect. 许多树也有火枯萎病. The trees are in a much healthier condition now and should continue to produce apples for many years to come.



三个研讨会由博士领导. 史蒂夫•米勒, 华盛顿大学的植物学家, taught community members the basics of apple tree pruning, 嫁接种植. 





社区 volunteers and CWC staff came out in force to help plant trees in the new orchard. Thirty trees, a variety of apple, 李子, cherry and pear, were supplied from a local nursery. 另有20棵树是台接树, some propagated from the orchard’s original heritage apple trees. More trees will be eventually planted to bring the total number to 80 in the newly restored orchard. 



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